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SEWP V DoD Wide ESI Catalog Palo Alto

Contract Information

Contract Number: NNG15SC71B

  • Period of Performance: June 27, 2022 - April 30, 2025

Palo Alto Order Guide:
Ordering Guide

DoD ESI has awarded 14 Agency Catalogs to offer Palo Alto products and services through the NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) Agency, which is a Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) managed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). With the DoD’s growing demand for Cybersecurity solutions, Palo Alto products offer an Enterprise Cybersecurity platform which provides network security, endpoint protection, and a multitude of other various security services. The Palo Alto Network Agency Catalogs are structured to help streamline procurement by combining frequently used software tools with favorable terms and conditions for all DoD Purchasers. These agreements will offer discounts on hardware, subscriptions, services, spare parts, professional services, lab, as well as other miscellaneous items.


FCN Contacts

Primary Sales POC

Cheryl Ashe

Phone: (703) 980-5580

Program Manager

Kristen Ford

Phone: (772) 538-0499

Contracts Manager

Lyndsay Lampley

Phone: (240) 833-7195

Government Contacts

Software Product Manager

Melany Davis

Phone: (619) 408-5928

Contracting Officer

Alexander Roberts

Phone: (619) 553-4487